Monday, January 11, 2010

So out of my element

OK so it's the NEW YEAR now it's 2010 wohoo....(sarcasm) Am I suppose to be really happy that twelve whole months are starting all over again... no I'm not but I am blessed that I have the opportunity to experience those twelve months over again, I know many ppl that didn't even get the chance to do that. With so much drama and unfaithful lies. Life is full of BULLSHIT and it's my job to make sure I kick it out of my damn life, including the bullshitters like "FRIENDS" AND "FAMILY" and as much as I love my friends and family I just can't stand the BS so just like the rest of the world I'm moving on with my life without them.

You know when people say they've changed? Or when people that you haven't kicked it with for along time corner you and tell you your a different person? Well I have been thinking to myself and I feel that no one can actually change who they are, trust me I know from first hand, you can do a lot of things to yourself but you are really the same person from the day you were born till the time your reading this blog. People can't change who they are they can only upgrade or downgrade from the current position. My mother have told me several times before to change, "Your 14 now it's time to change, your 16 now it's time to change, your 18 now it's time to change" Now listen I have been the same hard headed, obnoxious, out spoken stank attitude always have something to say girl I have always been, If I could really change I think it would have happened already. But what I have noticed is the improvement in my attitude and my views and opinions on everything and everyone. I am a lot more wiser and smarter than I was five or seven years ago and I am very much proud of that. I have let go of all the Bull and lawd let me please say that it's the best thing I have done in a long time and I am more than proud of myself. I am now at a stage in my life that I have learned that I don't need certain people in my life and most of the so called friends I encountered with was pure poison. Look I might not be quote unquote GROWN but I sure as hell know I am not a little girl anymore and I learn from my mistakes and don't make them twice.

So the poison try to seep through and work they're way back but I know better. The reason for my rant is because they way people come at me and tell my how I've changed in the past few years. No I haven't changed I just been improving myself. Wither you like it or not is non of my concern I'm living life for me and no one else but me. I may come off as a bitch and may come off with a nasty attitude it's just because If you can't help but to judge a book by it's cover then you don't deserve to read it.

With that said I'm signing off as the big bad wicked bitch with improvements for life.